This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to attend the 2017 Texas Optometric Associaton’s 117th Annual Convention in downtown Austin. Optometrists, ophthalmologists, students, and optometry office staff members buzzed around this conference with so much energy and excitement.
The TOA should be commended on the speaker schedule, social events, and fun theme – the 80s!
The attendees fell into two categories: experienced, established doctors and students/recent graduates. This mix cultivated a mentor-mentoree mentality where all were willing to learn from each other.
Both groups talked about the hot potential of the industry and how eye exams, eyewear, and ancillary services are evolving.
And the needs of office spaces are evolving as well. The right location is extremely critical now, as are the layout and design.
Marketing presence, a strong office staff, and service offerings are also important factors of launching a successful optometry practice.
Everyone was so friendly and wanted to know our opinions on how to go about selecting the right location. I was happy to share how we use our demographic database that has been tailored for optometrists and our real estate market knowledge in Texas to find locations that are prime for optometry practices.
Plus, we have a strong network of partners (e.g., lenders, equipment representatives, etc.) who help our clients open optometry practices from start to finish.
We truly enjoyed connecting with our friends – and new friends – at the TOA convention. We’ll be sure to attend again next year!
To discuss opening your optometry office space, contact Xite Realty today!